6 Mistakes That Make Your Workouts Suck

With the assumption that you’re a middle-aged guy or gal and newly engaged in a workout program with goals to lose fat, gain a little muscle (which raises your metabolism to help burn fat), look better and be healthier; then this article is for you. Read more

Top Tips to Be Your Fittest & Healthiest

Many will have a desire to look & feel their best in 2017, as many should. Unfortunately, most will not have a “road map” guiding them in the most appropriate way to arrive at being their healthiest and will fall short due to getting lost and therefore discouraged sooner than later.

As the old saying goes “if there is a will, there is a way”. The information is out there. The work ethic and discipline is in all of us if you simply decide to make the dedication to become healthier; for your children, family and most importantly for yourself. Read more

Be Accountable for Your Fat Loss Efforts

Living in the “microwave” society that craves instant gratification that we do today, it is more common than not to see people looking for a shortcut or an easy way to achieve their weight loss goals. It is in fact ingrained in us to take the path of least resistance with anything we do just like it is hardwired in us to seek out and consume salt, sugar and fat. Those old, cave man survival instincts are still programmed in us.  This article is geared toward helping the person who doesn’t have much direction, is brand new to fitness, a bit overweight and trying to understand the basics to get started in an effective way and has the willingness to put in the work. Read more

10 Ways to Elevate Your Testosterone Levels Naturally!

Now more than ever before, we have millions of men suffering from low testosterone, aka “Low T”, and unfortunately suffering from the undesirable symptoms that accompany the condition. We have seen a large spike with the number of cases of men with Low T in the last couple of decades which is largely due to the endocrine disrupters men are exposing themselves to on a regular basis along with the ones we are consuming.

If you’re a man under the age of 30, I want to give ten essential steps to support and increase your testosterone levels naturally here. Read more

7 ESSENTIAL Things You Must Learn and Do to Lose Weight and Get Healthier!

Many people have great intentions of shedding some unwanted and unhealthy extra body fat in order to look and feel their best, but many are ill informed. And, with the plethora of information it is hard for many to figure out where to start. Here are my top 7 essential things that you must do in order to lose weight and get healthier: Read more

New Study Shows The Benefits Of Working With A Personal Trainer

I have worked in the health and fitness industry since 2001 and during that time it has become obvious to me the benefits that come from using a personal trainer, especially when it is combined with a proper nutrition plan. Clients lose fat, look better, feel healthier and have increased energy.

While I see these benefits on a daily basis when working with clients, a recent study conducted to gauge consumer perceptions of personal fitness trainers reinforces that. Read more

A War Against Testosterone

Testosterone is a male hormone (androgen) made by the body. Most of the testosterone in a man’s body is produced in his testicles.

Testosterone Helps:

  • Maintain reproductive tissues
  • Stimulate sperm production
  • Stimulate and maintain sexual function
  • Increase muscle mass and strength
  • Maintain bone strength
  • Sense of well being and a man’s confidence
  • A man’s “get up and go” energy levels

Just like your cholesterol or blood pressure, there is a numerical range of testosterone levels that are considered normal. Read more

4 Best Exercises for a Bomb Ass Booty!

Here is the info you’ve been waiting for – everything you need to know to shape up your lower body in time for summer… I know its January and we just got blasted with an arctic snow storm and we are covered in a 4 layers of clothes but we can dream and be proactive! Read more

Going To Lose Weight & Then Start Working Out

I cringe every time I hear an unhealthy, obese friend or family member soliciting me for advice, spit these words out at me when with empathy, I am sincerely trying to offer them help, sound education and advice.

This is no different than saying “well, let me put ONE tire on the car and see how far I can get and then I will put on the other 3 later”. And the excuse that one doesn’t have the time to workout is just the grown up version of “the dog ate my homework”. We all have 2 or maybe 3 hours per week to get active. Many spend that each night in front of a TV, it’s just a lame and untrue excuse.

Our Microwave World

It seems as though everyone has this wishful thinking that we can somehow avoid or dance around what I call the wheel of success. This wheel consists of the things we know deep down are true: Exercise consisting of resistance training 2-4/week, Cardio 3-5/week, good nutrition 6-7 days/week (or <80-90% of the time) and when attention needed, hormonal balancing.

We are sold on false hope everyday in the media and those popular daytime doctor shows on miracle pills where most have very selective hearing and only hear that they can just take this pill and somehow this miraculous change in their body is going to occur. I find it sad that so many have come to me requesting these products while I insist on instead, asking questions so I can try and help them best I can with their interests and concerns via other, more legit (and effective) means.  Most of course, are not willing nor incorporating any or very little physical activity and the eating habits verbally displayed are horrible. It amazes me how many will not even entertain the thought of a good quality multi vitamin, some nutrition bars or snacks first instead of that magic pill they want.

Real Effort Is Needed To Be Put Forth

When it comes to building our body (or shaping it, etc), you need to develop a base foundation FIRST before any real success can come from these specialty pills and powders that we see on the shelves. A lot of these extreme diets don’t work long term either. People who buy into all this non sense are avoiding the truth. Nothing in life comes for free so just embrace that fact that better health, fitness and well being comes from good nutrition and physical activity on a regular basis. The sooner we can accept that, the quicker we can progress on a path to being a better and healthier person.

When I say physical activity, walking doesn’t count for much – although its a great start for some who are 100% sedentary to begin with. Most of us sit on our ass for at least 8 hours a day so we need more than just a walk. We should be walking all day in the first place. To say you’ve been exercising when you really mean you have been walking a measly quarter mile a day or every other day at a snail’s pace is a cop out excuse – this isn’t effective exercise.

Our excuses for being out-of-shape are getting old. An excuse takes less immediate effort than an action, but in the long run the action taker always has the advantage. Don’t allow excuses to ruin your life any longer.

  • Don’t skip out on your responsibilities with excuses, instead expect more from yourself.
  • Focus on the big reason why you are losing the weight. Make a list of the benefits you’ll enjoy once you achieve your goal, and read them first thing each morning.
  • Remember that you can only have two things in life: excuses or results. Which do you want?

Tomorrow Is A New Beginning

Contact me today for your first workout and consultation to move towards a better and healthier you. Together with your effort and a little work ethic and my background and experience, we can tackle 2014 with a winning game plan!

Happy New Year,


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