“Roger, What Exactly Do You Do?”

I get this question all the time and have for last several years. So much and, with so much confusion, I felt I had to write about it to give a better explanation to those inquiring minds that want to know. It’s expected from those that don’t know me or just meeting me initially, and we all ask this question of most we meet for first time at some point. I also know the majority of those that have known me for a long time are still very confused and don’t want to sound “dumb” or inattentive if they were to ask me. Read more

10 Tips to Lose 10 Pounds:

Solid nutrition, like good training, is simple – learn the basics and practice them consistently. A little knowledge and some discipline is the secret. Apply yourself diligently – don’t look back and don’t look for shortcuts, there simply are not any. Read more