Diabesity: The BIG Pandemic Not Being Addressed

If you haven’t heard the word “Diabesity”, I’m sure you can easily pick up on what it revolves around and probably even hear both the words diabetes and obesity molded together to coin this modern word here.

The way we describe things changes often with the world. We look to describe new phenomena with new words. Just think of “bromance” – which is a newer term used to describe a strong bond or friendship between two men in a non-sexual way. 

It is very well known there is a strong link between obesity and type 2 diabetes. Let’s also be clear there is a fundamental difference between type 1 diabetes versus what we will focus our attention on here with type 2 diabetes. These two are actually polar opposites with type 1 characterized by very low insulin levels and type 2 by very high insulin levels. 

This article is going to cover and explain both diabetes and obesity and how to address and combat “diabesity” in our efforts to flatten the curve of its alarming and continuous rise and all the detrimental comorbidities that come with it.

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Will Weight Training Prolong Your Life?

In case it may have slipped your mind, one day you’re going to die. And if at large you’re like most Americans that live to the average 79 years of age, your last 20-30 years of life will physically suck with fatigue, pain and disabilities holding you back from enjoying life to the fullest.

In this short article I’m going to show you how weight training can help you to NOT be a common and unhealthy statistic, but rather assist you in enjoying your best life both physically and mentally in a body that literally feels good to live in.

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Avoid These & Dodge Weight Gain During Holidays

The Holidays are upon us and stress levels may be at an all-time high as well as the temptation to eat bad foods. Many find that they have a bit more than usual on their daily “to do” plate and find themselves skipping meals and gym time while eating on the run. 6pm now feels like 10pm because of the shorter days and lack of sunshine leads many with a lack of Vitamin D and feeling a bit tired and having a slight case of the blues.

Despite the classical saying, abs aren’t made in the kitchen but they can be lost there. There is a lot of truth that nutrition is critically important but that isn’t the only thing. Read more

Now, Coconut Oil is Bad? What Will Change Tomorrow? Confused…

The way I see it, confusing the public on eating correctly has been done to a degree, on purpose to accommodate interests of the food and animal agricultural industry and their profits with complete neglect to what is really the best way to eat healthy. As I once heard from Dr. Andrew Saul; “Good health makes sense but doesn’t make a lot of dollars”.

Eating healthy can be easy if you keep it simple: If it grows out of the ground, off a tree, lives off the land or in the sea then you can say to yourself “this is probably good for me”. If, however it comes in a box, bag or frozen package and is made in a factory then it probably is not good for you. Read more

Top Tips to Be Your Fittest & Healthiest

Many will have a desire to look & feel their best in 2017, as many should. Unfortunately, most will not have a “road map” guiding them in the most appropriate way to arrive at being their healthiest and will fall short due to getting lost and therefore discouraged sooner than later.

As the old saying goes “if there is a will, there is a way”. The information is out there. The work ethic and discipline is in all of us if you simply decide to make the dedication to become healthier; for your children, family and most importantly for yourself. Read more

“Roger, What Exactly Do You Do?”

I get this question all the time and have for last several years. So much and, with so much confusion, I felt I had to write about it to give a better explanation to those inquiring minds that want to know. It’s expected from those that don’t know me or just meeting me initially, and we all ask this question of most we meet for first time at some point. I also know the majority of those that have known me for a long time are still very confused and don’t want to sound “dumb” or inattentive if they were to ask me. Read more

Be Accountable for Your Fat Loss Efforts

Living in the “microwave” society that craves instant gratification that we do today, it is more common than not to see people looking for a shortcut or an easy way to achieve their weight loss goals. It is in fact ingrained in us to take the path of least resistance with anything we do just like it is hardwired in us to seek out and consume salt, sugar and fat. Those old, cave man survival instincts are still programmed in us.  This article is geared toward helping the person who doesn’t have much direction, is brand new to fitness, a bit overweight and trying to understand the basics to get started in an effective way and has the willingness to put in the work. Read more

4×4 Cancer Rules

When we think of the “C” word, it brings feelings of helplessness, anger, frustration, confusion and hurt just to name a few. Of course the “C” word I’m referencing to isn’t canker sores, calluses or the common cold, I’m talking about cancer.

Cancer is a topic of discussion that really hits home for me, as I assume it does for many reading this. I have been to the funeral home 3 times alone in the last 3 months to pay my final respects to those that lost their battle to this dreadful killer. In addition, within the last 6 months I have learned that a client of mine came down with cancer, my dog and even my mother. I have lost too many family and friends to cancer over the last few years and it doesn’t seem to be going away or getting better anytime soon. Read more

7 ESSENTIAL Things You Must Learn and Do to Lose Weight and Get Healthier!

Many people have great intentions of shedding some unwanted and unhealthy extra body fat in order to look and feel their best, but many are ill informed. And, with the plethora of information it is hard for many to figure out where to start. Here are my top 7 essential things that you must do in order to lose weight and get healthier: Read more